Approximately thirteen months ago, a multitude of cryptocurrency investors were deceived by a malicious crypto scam that falsely purported to be associated with the renowned Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) program. This fraudulent ploy sought to mislead individuals into investing in SQUID token – a digital currency that had absolutely no connection to the show whatsoever.
The Squid Game cryptocurrency was a decentralized peer-to-peer digital currency created by the developers of the popular mobile game ‘’ in 2017. The cryptocurrency was designed to reward players and fund development of the game. It was based on Ethereum’s ERC20 tokens, which means it ran on top of the Ethereum blockchain and could be transferred between wallets and used as payment for goods and services. The Squid team also released a marketplace where users could purchase items for their character directly with SQUID tokens. Unfortunately, the Squid project ultimately failed due to various management issues and lack of resources; however, some users still hold their SQUID coins today, hoping that one day it will regain its value and usefulness.
Squid Game was a crypto project launched in 2019 which released its own cryptocurrency – Squid Token (SQID) as its native asset. The project was developed by the blockchain firm Uulala Inc and based on a complex game system that allowed players to earn rewards for playing various mini-games. The game system included an assortment of casual, arcade, and strategy games, all connected through an international ranking leaderboard. Players could also use the SQID token to purchase virtual goods such as video game characters or digital assets within the platform. Additionally, players could trade their tokens with each other using the integrated exchange feature provided by Uulala Inc.
Squid Game cryptocurrency was a virtual currency created in early 2018. It was used as an incentive for users to play the game on the Squid platform. The native currency of the game, called “SQUID,” could be earned by participating in daily challenges, playing mini-games, and other activities within the platform. Players would receive rewards in SQUID coins which could be exchanged into other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies. The goal of the project was to create a fun and easy way for gamers to access traditional markets through crypto investments while also providing incentives that encouraged them to stay engaged with their games. The overall success of the project was short lived, however, as lack of adoption from players led to its eventual shutdown by its developers in late 2019.
Squid Game Cryptocurrency was the world’s first multi-player crypto game developed by the team of, a blockchain-based development platform. It is based on Ethereum and allows users to mine cryptocurrency while they play different games that are hosted within the platform. In addition to being able to play these various games, users can also earn rewards in SQUID tokens which can be used as an internal currency in order to trade and buy virtual items within the game or exchange them for other crypto currencies such as Ethereum or Bitcoin. The main purpose of Squid Game Cryptocurrency is to drive mass adoption of cryptocurrency and decentralized technologies by introducing people to blockchain technology through their gaming experience and providing an easily accessible way for people to get involved with cryptocurrency without having extensive knowledge about it beforehand.
Squid Game was a blockchain-based game that was released in 2018. It used its own token, called SQD, to reward players for playing the game and completing objectives. The currency had no pre-mine, meaning that all tokens were mined by players through playing the game. Players were able to use the virtual currency in-game to purchase items like crafting materials, weapons, armor and more. Additionally, they could trade the SQD tokens on exchanges with other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH). This allowed players to monetize their gaming activity and benefit from potential increases in value of the token over time. In 2020 however, Squid Game shut down operations due to low user numbers. As a result, Value of SQD declined drastically and eventually lost most of its market value as well as liquidity on exchanges – which makes it a non-functional cryptocurrency today.