Data Scientist usually works in a 9 hours shift the way common people do.
The single biggest misconception in data science is that it’s all about “algorithms.” In truth, data science begins by translating a business case into an analytics agenda. Much more time is actually spent creating hypotheses, understanding information, checking out patterns, and measuring effect than choosing algorithms. Data Scientist usually performs all these functions in their normal business hours between 09:00 Am to 06:00 Pm, but in extreme situations, working hours could be 12 hours in a day. It depends on various factors like meeting deadlines, shortage of staff, and others. So usually Data Scientist works between 45 – 60 hours in a week.
Corporates usually have 9 hours/5 days working. Data scientists who work from office are aware of their login and log out timings but many data scientists who are working from home or from any remote area need to manage their working hours as per the need and it’s also important to maintain their work-life balance. As per a study, these data scientists prefer to work in odd hours as it provides them to implement out of the box approach to solve their problems.
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