CBSE target for 22,000 schools to learn AI and other futuristic technologies.
In order to prepare teachers with AI integrated teaching-learning, CBSE has recently launched 2 ‘facilitators’ handbooks. These curriculum manuals are of 2 types:
- Facilitator’s handbook for AI curriculum pertaining to students of class 8th and 9th curate for a 112hrs curriculum, the handbook is grounded in experiential methodologies addressing both technical and social skills.
- Facilitator’s handbook on AI Integration across subjects to improve the multidisciplinary approach in teaching-learning practice whilst integrating AI.
The second handbook suggests how schools are able to teach the teachers from training VI to X with AI-enabled technology of reference to the useful things/themes through their respective curricula. The document talks about how AI-based equipment is able to improve learning across disciplines equally within and outside the classrooms. a ready reference manual with steps that are simple for the facilitators to allow the students to learn AI in an experiential and engaging manner. The idea helps assistance facilitators present AI in classrooms through games,” and fun activities affirm Biswajit Saha, Director, Training and skill Education, CBSE.
“There are recommended parallels and easily relatable AI tasks in the handbook which are used to exemplify exactly how facilitators are able to make use of AI-based systems to instruct topics/themes coming from their respective curricula as examples,” Saha states.
Since AI is a dynamic subject, it’s anticipated that the handbooks will continue evolving to increase on material that is freshly produced by the instructors and practitioners as increasingly more teachers begin practicing AI incorporated learning, he added.
Additionally, CBSE has been doing Train-The-Trainer sessions for the schools that have opted for AI as a topic. The handbook supports these sessions as being a toolkit for the trainers.
“Presently, 880 schools have registered with CBSE to expose AI as an ability subject matter for classes 8th and 9th The goal is for those 22,000 CBSE Schools to at giving minimum be acquainted with AI and consequently various other appearing systems so that students find a chance to master the abilities of the future,” Saha states.
Earlier when it comes to March 2019, CBSE announced AI as an ability subject matter for students learning in class 8 and 9 in which they had been released to the 3 domains of AI involving computer vision, natural language processing, and data.