Table of Contents
Vector in C++ are typical pots which offer an effective dynamic array as functionality, with fixed time entry to components in any order. Vectors are identified by a template category available in the conventional library – you only have to include #include <vector>to your header file to have access to the vector function.
In 1985, the very first edition of The C++ Programming Language was launched, which grew to become the definitive guide for the language, as there wasn’t still an official standard. The very first industrial implementation of C++ was launched in October in that same year.
C++ was earlier recognized by the title of C with classes as it was an amalgamation of Simula67 and C (first object oriented language). This means that with the attributes of the C programming language, C++ also discloses the principles of objects & classes for user defined data variations.
Vector in C++ are sequence containers representing arrays that could change in size. They normally use connecting storage locations for their elements, this means that their elements may additionally be seen using offsets on normal pointers to the elements of theirs, and simply as efficiently as in arrays.
What is Vector in C++?
Vectors are an element of STL. Vector in C++ are sequence containers representing arrays that can transform their size throughout runtime. They normally use contiguous storage locations for their elements just like efficiently as in arrays, this means that their elements may additionally be seen using offsets on normal pointers to its elements.
Vector in C++ are the powerful arrays that are used to store data. It differs from arrays which store sequential data and therefore are fixed in nature, Vectors provide more flexibility to the system. Vectors are able to modify their size instantly when a part is placed or even deleted from it.
Vectors aren’t purchased around C++. Vector in C++ components are placed in adjacent storage and could be quickly accessed and traversed throughout using iterators. Inside vectors, data is placed at the end whenever we have a pushback() feature.
Inserting a part at the conclusion of a vector takes differential time, as at times there might be a demand of extending the vector, but inserting the component in the beginning or perhaps at the center takes linear time. To remove the final component takes just frequent time because no resizing takes place. Vectors are included in the C++ Standard Template Library. In order to use vectors, we have to add in the vector header file in our plan.
Vector in C++ are the powerful arrays that are used to store data. Unlike arrays that are used to keep sequential data and therefore are fixed in nature, Vectors provide more flexibility to the system. Vectors can resize itself instantly when a part is placed or even deleted based on the demand of the job to be performed. It is not the exact same in an array where just a certain amount of values will be kept within an individual adjustable title.
No vectors aren’t purchased around C++. Vector in C++ components are put into adjacent storage to ensure that they can be accessed and traveling throughout using iterators. Inside vectors, data is placed at the conclusion of it. Inserting a part at the end takes differential time, as occasionally there might be a demand of extending the vector. To remove the final component takes just frequent time because no resizing takes place. Erasing and inserting in the beginning or perhaps in the midst of the vector is linear in period.
Vector in C++ are sequence containers representing arrays that can transform their size throughout runtime. They normally use contiguous storage locations for their elements just like efficiently as in arrays, this means that their elements may additionally be seen using offsets on normal pointers to its elements.
Initialization of Vector in C++
There are various ways to initialize Vector in C++
Pressing the values one-by-one in the Vector in C++ usingpush_back(): All of the components that have to be kept in the vector are pushed back one-by-one in the vector making use of the push_back() technique.
vector_name.push_back(element_value); |
To use the overload constructor of the Vector in C++ Class: This particular technique is used to populate a Vector in C++ with many times exactly the same value.
vector<object_type> vector_name (number_of_repetition,element_value);
Using Arrays: This particular strategy uses an array as a parameter to be passed in the Vector in C++ constructor.
vector<object_type> vector_name {val1,val2,val3,….,valn}; |
Using already initialized Vector in C++: This particular strategy uses an already generated vector to make a brand new vector that has the same values.
This particular technique passes the begin() and end() of an already initialized Vector in C++.
vector<object_type> vector_name_1{val1,val2,…,valn};
vector<object_type> vector_name_2(vector_name_1.begin(),vector_name_1.end())
Functions in Vector in C++
There are various functions in Vector in C++:
begin() – It returns an iterator pointing to the very first aspect in the Vector in C++.
end() – It returns an iterator pointing to the final aspect in the Vector in C++.
rbegin() – It returns a reverse iterator pointing to the final aspect in the Vector in C++.
rend() – It returns a reverse iterator pointing to the component preceding the very first aspect in the Vector in C++. Essentially deemed as a reverse end.
cbegin() – It returns a frequent iterator pointing to the very first aspect in the Vector in C++.
cend() – It returns a frequent iterator pointing to the component which follows the final aspect in the Vector in C++.
crbegin() – It returns a frequent reverse iterator pointing to the final aspect in the Vector in C++.
crend() – It returns a frequent reverse iterator pointing to the component preceding the very first aspect in the Vector in C++.
size() – It returns the amount of components currently contained in the vector.
max_size() – It returns the maximum amount of components that a vector is able to hold.
capacity() – It returns the storage capability presently allocated to the vector.
resize(n) – It resizes the container to store’ n’ elements.
empty() – It returns if the container is empty or perhaps not.
assign() – It assigns a brand new value to the existing components of the Vector in C++.
push_back() – It drives the part from back in the Vector in C++.
pop_back() – It eliminates components from the rear of the Vector in C++.
insert() – It inserts a part prior to a specified aspect in the Vector in C++.
erase() – It is used to get rid of components from a specified component or a range of the Vector in C++.
swap() – It is used to swap the contents of 2 vectors of the identical data type. The sizes of vectors might differ.
clear() – It is used to get rid of all of the components from the Vector in C++.
Element Access:
reference_operator[g]: It returns a guide to the ‘g’ component of the Vector in C++.
at(g): It returns a guide to the component at position’ g’ in the Vector in C++.
front(): It returns a guide to the very first aspect in the Vector in C++.
back(): It returns a guide to the final aspect in the Vector in C++.
data(): It returns an immediate pointer to the memory array that is use internally by the Vector in C++ to keep its owned components.
Member Functions of Vector in C++
A Vector container of STL provides us with different helpful tasks.
- Modifiers
- Iterators
- Capacity
- push_back(): The feature drives the components to a Vector in C++ from the rear. When the object type passed as a parameter at the push_back() isn’t just like that of the vector an exception is thrown.
- assign(): It assigns a brand new value to the Vector in C++ components by replacing old ones.
- pop_back(): The pop_back() functionality is use to pop or even get rid of components from a vector from the rear. It brings down the dimensions of the vector by one element.
- `insert(): This feature inserts different components when the component is just before the placement pointed by the iterator. We are able to likewise spend a third argument count, which matters the amount of times the component is usually to be introduced before the sharp job.
- erase(): erase() feature is use to get rid of c
- omponents from a container from the sp
- ecified range or perhaps role. We can often pass the role of the particular components required to get rid of or we can pass the starting endpoint and point of a range of elements.
- swap(): swap() key is used to swap the items in one vector with another Vector in C++ of the very same sort. Sizes might differ.
- clear(): clear() key is used to get rid of all of the components of the vector container.
- begin(): This feature returns an iterator pointing to the very first aspect in the Vector in C++.end(): The end() feature returns an iterator pointing to the final aspect in the Vector in C++.
- size(): This feature returns the amount of components of the vector.
- max_size(): The max_size() feature returns the maximum amount of components that the vector can hold.
- capacity(): The capacity() feature returns the dimensions of the storage area presently allocated to the vector expressed as the number of components depending on the mind allocated to the Vector in C++.
- resize(): This feature resizes the container so it contains ‘n’ elements. In case the present dimensions of the vector is higher compared to n then the rear components are taken out of the vector and if the present size is smaller compared to n then additional components are placed at the rear of the Vector in C++.
- empty(): Returns if the container is empty, it returns accurate if the Vector in C++ is unoccupied, different returns incorrect.
Allocators Function in Vector C++
Inside C++ computer programming, allocators are a part of the C++ Standard Library. The regular library offers many detailed structures , like set and list, generally called containers. A typical trait with these pots is the power of theirs to change size throughout the delivery of the system.
- An allocator is an item which programmatically allocates and deallocates memory.
- Inside C++ vectors, there’s just one run which may be used as an allocator. This particular feature is known as the get_allocator() feature. We essentially make use of the get_allocator() to allocate chunks of mind which in exchange a message of the allocator object related to the vector.
When to use Vector in C++
Inside C++, vectors are used to store components of quite similar data. Unlike arrays, the dimensions of a vector are able to develop programmatically. That’s, we are able to alter the dimensions of the vector throughout the delivery of an application as per the demands of ours. Vectors are included in the C++ Standard Template Library.
We are able to make use of Vector in C++ of the following circumstances:
- It is recommended to make use of Vector in C++ when data is regularly changing.
- In case the dimensions of data are unfamiliar then It is recommended to make use of Vector in C++.
- It is recommended to make use of Vector in C++ when components aren’t predefined.
- Compared to arrays you will find more ways to copy Vector in C++.
Basic Vector in C++ Operations
The Vector in C++ category offers different techniques to do various function on vectors. We are going to look at some widely used vector businesses of that tutorial:
- Add elements
- Access elements
- Change elements
- Delete elements
Add Elements:
To incorporate an individual component into a vector, we make use of the push_back() feature. It inserts a part into the conclusion of the vector.
For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<int> num {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
cout << “Initial Vector: “;
for (const int& i : num) {
cout << i << ” “;
// add the integers 6 and 7 to the vector
cout << “\nUpdated Vector: “;
for (const int& i : num) {
cout << i << ” “;
return 0;
Output :
Initial Vector: 1 2 3 4 5
Updated Vector: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
At this point, we’ve initialized an int vector num with the components {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
Access Elements:
Inside C++, we make use of the index number to use the vector components. At this point, we make use of the at() feature to use the component from the specified index.
For Example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<int> num {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
cout << “Element at Index 0: ” << << endl;
cout << “Element at Index 2: ” << << endl;
cout << “Element at Index 4: ” <<;
return 0;
Element at Index 0:1
Element at Index 2:3
Element at Index 4:5
Here, – access element at index 0 – access element at index 2 – access element at index 4
Change Elements:
We are able to change a part of the vector using the very same at() feature.
For Example
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<int> num {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
cout << “Initial Vector: “;
for (const int& i : num) {
cout << i << ” “;
// change elements at indexes 1 and 4 = 9; = 7;
cout << “\nUpdated Vector: “;
for (const int& i : num) {
cout << i << ” “;
return 0;
Initial Vector: 1 2 3 4 5
Updated Vector: 1 9 3 4 7
Delete Elements:
To delete an individual component from a vector, we make use of the pop_back() feature.
For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<int> prime_numbers{2, 3, 5, 7};
// initial vector
cout << “Initial Vector: “;
for (int i : prime_numbers) {
cout << i << ” “;
// remove the last element
// final vector
cout << “\nUpdated Vector: “;
for (int i : prime_numbers) {
cout << i << ” “;
return 0;
Initial Vector: 2 3 5 7
Updated Vector: 2 3 5
Vectors & Arrays in C++
We are able to think of a vector as being a list which has one dimension. It is a row of data. An array is a list which is set up in numerous dimensions. A two dimensional array is a vector of vectors that are all the exact same length.
Vectors in C++ are the powerful arrays that are used to store data. Unlike arrays that are used to keep consecutive data and therefore are fixed in nature, Vectors provide more flexibility to the system.
Here are some points on Vectors and Arrays in C++
- Vector is a sequential container.
- Vector isn’t index based.
- Array is a fixed size sequential compilation of components of the identical sort.
- Array is index based.
- Vectors are dynamic in nature.
- After the array is initialized, its size cannot be altered.
- Vector occupies much more memory as compared to array.
- Array is mind effective data structure.
- Accessing time of vectors is much more.
- Array components are set up in contiguous mind allocation so that it accesses components in time that is continuous.
- Vectors could be merely declared in C++.
- Arrays may be declared in any sort of programming language as C, Python, Java, etc.
A std::vector can’t ever be quicker than an array, as It is (a pointer to the very first component of) an array as one of the data members of its. Though the distinction in run time velocity is absent and slim in any non trivial system. One reason behind this particular persistence, are examples which compare raw arrays with misused std::vectors.
What is Standard Template Library (STL)?
STL stands for Standard Template Library. STL is a set of general purpose sessions and operates that are primarily used for storing and processing data.
The Standard Template Library (STL) is a set of C++ template sessions to offer typical programming data structures and functions like lists, arrays, stacks, and more. It is a library of container classes, algorithms, and also iterators. It is a generalized library and therefore, its elements are parameterized.
STL can easily be described as a library of container classes, algorithms, and also iterators.
The primary idea behind STL is reusing codes now created and tried. It will save effort and time.
STL has four components:
Algorithms: It describes a set of functions especially created to be used on range of components. Examples are sorting, searching, etc.
Pots: Containers shop objects and data. You will find in complete 7 standard “first class” container sessions and 3 container adaptor sessions and just 7 header documents that offer access to these container adaptors.
Functions: STL consists of classes which overload the performance call operator. Instances of such sessions are called functions.
Iterators: It is used for dealing upon a sequence of values. It provides generality found STL.
Vector of Vector in C++ STL
Vector is a template category of STL (Standard Template Library) of C++ programming words. C++ vectors are sequence containers which save components. Particularly used to operate with powerful data, C++ vectors could grow based on the components they contain. Which can make it distinct from a fixed size array.
Here are some points on Vector of Vector in C++ STL;
- Vector of Vectors is a two dimensional vector with a variable amount of rows in which each row is viewed as being a vector.
- Each index of vector retailers has a vector in it. It may be accessed or perhaps traversed using iterators.
- Essentially, it could be viewed as the array of vectors with powerful properties.
1 | – vector<vector<data_type>> vector_name; |
Example code to visualize Vector of Vectors in C++:
//C++ program to visualize Vector of Vectors
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Defining the rows and columns of
// vector of vectors
#define row 3
#define col 3
int main()
// Initializing the vector of vectors
vector<vector<int> > a;
// Elements to insert in column
int num = 10;
// Inserting elements into vector
for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
// Vector to store column elements
vector<int> a1;
//pushing values in vector ‘a1’
for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) {
num += 5;
// for creating a 2D vector ‘a’ pushing 1D vector ‘a1’ into it
// Displaying the 2D vector ‘a’
cout<<“2D vector contains:”<<“\n”;
for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < a[i].size(); j++)
cout << a[i][j] << ” “;
cout << endl;
//Deleting in 2D vector ‘a’
cout<<“2D vector traversal after deletion:”<<“\n”;
//Traversing in 2D vector ‘a’ using iterator after deletion
for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
for (
auto it = a[i].begin();
it != a[i].end(); it++)
cout << *it << ” “;
cout << endl;
return 0;
2D vector contains:
10 15 20
25 30 35
40 45 50
2D vector traversal after deletion:
10 15 20
20 30
40 45
Advantages of Vector in C++
A vector is a powerful array, whose size could be improved, whereas the array size can’t be altered. A vector is a class whereas an array is a data type.
Some advantages of Vector in C++ are:
- It is dynamic in nature.
- Components may be introduced, deleted very easily.
- Several items could be kept.
- It is really simple to imitate vectors from one to the next by simply using an assignment operator.
- Size may be improved, whereas the array size can’t be altered.
- Reserve space could be provided for vectors, whereas for arrays you can’t grant reserved room.
Disadvantages of Vector in C++
A few disadvantages of vector in C++: Vector data can’t easily be used to keep very complicated pictures, like some photographs, in which style info is paramount and might differ on a pixel-by-pixel schedule.
Some disadvantages of Vector in C++ are:
- Vector C++ uses memory excessively.
- It is not indexed.
- It does not make use of a contiguous mind.
- Vectors are applied as powerful arrays with a show interface whereas arrays may be applied programmatically or statically with a primitive data style interface.
- Size of arrays are repaired while the vectors are resizable i.e. they are able to develop and reduce in size as vectors are allocated on heap mind.
Difference between Vectors & Arrays in C++
A vector is a sequential based container whereas an array is a data system which retails a fixed amount of components (components must of the very same type) in sequential order.
Vectors A Vector is a sequential based container. Vector could just be implemented programmatically. Vectors have powerful measurements which they are able to resize themselves. Vectors occupy more memories than arrays. To access the components of a vector takes much more time accessing the memories of arrays. | Arrays An array is a data system which retailers a fixed number of elements(components must of exact same type) in sequential order. Arrays may be applied in a programmatic or static way. Arrays have fixed size. Arrays are memory efficient data components which make use of the space allocated to them after they’re initialized. To access the components of the array takes a shorter time than accessing the components of the vectors. |
Note : You should also know about Power Function in C++
As we’ve learned about vectors in C++. It is a data system which not entirely functions as a powerful array but also guarantees random and quick access of elements pertaining to that vector. Today, you are able to easily insert, traverse, delete, and change components in vectors and control laptop memory in an effective manner. We may today understand where you can put on vectors and where you can put on arrays in a program. Vectors are a crucial idea for every C++ specialist.
With this, we come to the conclusion of this article on Vectors in C++. I am hoping you have a concept of how you can make use of and where you can apply vectors in C++ programs. I am hoping you all got a concept of exactly how arrays differ from vectors.
Conclusion from the overall performance measurements is used for such an easy operation std::accumulate. That is for two good reasons. For starters, the performance increase of variant (three) does not justify the expense; next, C++ is going to have in C++17 a parallel variant of std::accumulate. Consequently, it is super easy to change from the sequential to the parallel edition.
Frequently Asked Question's
Vector in C++ are the powerful arrays that are used to store data.It differs from arrays which store sequential data and therefore are fixed in nature, Vectors provide more flexibility to the system. Vectors are able to modify the size of theirs instantly when a part is placed or even deleted from it.
Vectors aren’t purchased around C++. Vector in C++ components are placed in adjacent storage and could be quickly accessed and traversed throughout using iterators. Inside vectors, data is placed at the end whenever we have a pushback() feature. Inserting a part at the conclusion of a vector takes differential time, as occasionally there might be a demand of extending the vector, but inserting the component in the beginning or perhaps at the center takes linear time.
To remove the final component takes just frequent time because no resizing takes place. Vectors are included in the C++ Standard Template Library. In order to use vectors, we have to add in the vector header file in our plan.
It is known as a vector simply because Alex Stepanov, the designer of the conventional Template Library, was searching for a title to distinguish it from built in arrays. He admits today he made an error, due to the fact mathematics now uses the term’ vector’ for a fixed length sequence of numbers.
When to select vector versus raster? A vector graphic’s little file size and scalability causes it to be exclusively ideal for use in digital printing from business cards to billboards. They are likewise used in lower thirds for videos, web based items and rendering 2D or maybe 3D computer animation.
Vector is much better for regular insertion and deletion, while Arrays are far better suited for regular access of elements. Vector occupies a lot more memory in exchange for dealing with storage and growing dynamically, while Arrays are a memory efficient data structure.
A vector is a powerful array, whose size could be improved, whereas THE array size can’t be altered. Reserve room could be provided for vector, whereas for arrays you can’t grant reserved room. A vector is a class whereas an array is a data type.
- It is dynamic in nature.
- Components may be introduced, deleted very easily.
- Several items could be kept.
- It is really simple to imitate vectors from one to the next by simply using an assignment operator.
- Size may be improved, whereas THE array size can’t be altered.
- Reserve room could be provided for vectors, whereas for arrays you can’t grant reserved room.
You can’t use std::vector without including that file, because the compiler then does not understand a class called std::vector. The compiler just understands the language C++, not the regular library of its!
- Add Elements to a Vector. To incorporate an individual component into a vector, we make use of the push_back() function….
- Access Elements of a Vector. Inside C++, we make use of the index number to use the vector elements….
- Alter Vector Element. We are able to change a part of the vector using the very same at() function….
- Delete Elements from C++ Vectors.
Vectors in C++ are sequence containers representing arrays that can transform the size of theirs throughout runtime. They normally use contiguous storage locations for the elements of theirs just like efficiently as in arrays, this means that their elements may additionally be seen using offsets on normal pointers to the elements of its.
A std::vector can’t ever be quicker than an array, as It is (a pointer to the very first component of) an array as one of the data members of its. Though the distinction in run time velocity is absent and slim in any non trivial system. One reason behind this particular myth to persist, are examples which compare raw arrays with misused std::vectors.
No vector is by definition guaranteed to be sorted, therefore components will not be “in order”. Additionally, all iterators & recommendations to components of a vector are going to be invalidated after insertion only if reallocation occurs (i.e. when the dimensions of the vector exceeds the capacity) of its.
Inside C++, vectors are used to shop components of quite similar data. Nevertheless, unlike arrays, the dimensions of a vector are able to develop dynamically. That’s, we are able to alter the dimensions of the vector throughout the delivery of an application as per the demands of ours. Vectors are included in the C++ Standard Template Library.
Vectors in C++ are the powerful arrays that are used to store data. Unlike arrays that are used to keep sequential data and therefore are fixed in nature, Vectors provide more flexibility to the system.
Vector is a sequential container to store components and not index based. Array ships a fixed size sequential compilation of components of the identical style and It is index based. Vector is dynamic in nature therefore, size improves with insertion of components. As array is fixed size, previously initialized cannot be resized.
Print Out the Contents of a Vector in C++
- Use the for Loop With Element Access Notation to Print Out Vector Contents.
- Pick Range Based Loop With Element Access Notation to Print Out Vector Contents.
- Utilize std::copy to Print Out Vector Contents.
- Utilize std::for_each to Print Out Vector Contents.