The self-drive mobility platform Zoomcar has announced/launched and it claims it as India’s first vehicle agnostic Driver Score Tech Stack with the passenger car segment. The AI-powered algorithm with machine learning abilities tracks the mechanical specifications of the car being driven, driving style of the consumer and identifies grave events of driving and rates it on a scale of 0-100.
In the case of rash driving, the scoring system can give real-time feedback to drivers and this helps them to adjust their behavior accordingly. Zoomcar within the first month was able to reduce the accident rate by 20% and the maintenance and service cost by 25% with the help of Driver Score.
The company says the driver score isn’t a brand new product in the car business. Nevertheless, the existing options offered in the nation are neither created for Indian conditions or passenger car segments. They’re largely created for business vehicles and based on the western markets and demographics where driver scores are being utilized by insurance companies, police departments, and any other regulatory authorities for a few time now.
Hence the existing solutions work at an average of 50-60% efficiency here in India because the tech stack is oblivious or incompatible to a great deal of variables that define Indian conditions. However, owing to its nature of company, scope of functioning across India and its superior IOMT (Internet of Moving Things) features, Zoomcar states it’s great concerning Indian road conditions and driver behavior, with more than 700 million kilometers traveled by more than 14,000 Zoomcars across the measurements as well as breadth of the nation and approximately 5 million customers’ driving behavior more than 6 years and counting. Zoomcar states its driver score tech stack has a 95% effectiveness rate.
The company aims for productizing this as a PaaS (Platform being a Service) providing shortly and also promote it as a tech empowered insurance product to present insurers and car dealers, directly earning 20% of its profits coming from this by early next year. This higher margin providing compliments Zoomcar’s EBITDA positive balance sheet.
“Our aim while developing this particular state of the art tech stack was reducing accidents and boost asset longevity. Accidents were a key concern for us so we needed a tech solution to support us mitigate it. Another significant element and that drove innovation here was the objective of ours to decrease the maintenance and insurance cost on our assets. We can now partner with new era insurance companies and also have a powerful, user-based pricing strategy which would assist us reduce insurance cost by almost 50%”, said Greg Moran, co-founder, and CEO, Zoomcar.
Driver and Vehicle Analytics powered by Artificial Intelligence: Zoomcar’s
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